Culture and traditions

The Jewish Business Club regularly hosts Torah lessons for club members and guests.

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When every hour of your time is expensive and the schedule is tough, every minute counts. We appreciate your time and respect your business, hence, the project “20 Minutes of Spirituality” was created especially for you.

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The Jewish home starts with the door. It sounds unusual, but a small parchment scroll in a stylish case, attached to the door, while likewise invisible to those who do not know about it but symbolic for those who are familiar with it. The keeper and protector of the house, Mezuzah is small, but an important thing that will envelop those living in the house, fill it with positive energy and good.

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How should you spend your day off? Everyone will answer this question in different ways, but things that in common for everyone are rest and reset. You can go for a weekend to a countryside, karaoke, and restaurant or just walk with children in the park. All this is great, but you could likewise travel for several hours to another world, where there is no time and space. A world filled with mysteries, wisdom and wonders of good. The world that has remained unchanged for thousands of years and its name is Shabbat.

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Training for personal growth, yoga, meditation and morning jogging are the great choices to get thoughts together and gain a living success today. In addition to the list, we are offering another one, a Jewish “alternative” – called Tefillin.

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Jewish Business Club «» offers an alternative dispute resolution - authoritative rabbinical court

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